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Frequently Asked Questions

How will building help us reach our community for Christ?

These future facilities will help us create a welcoming, multi-faceted, and multi-generational second home to our community, which will usher in unity and connectivity in the body for believers to grow in Christ together.

How will we pay for this?

With God’s guidance and the sacrificial giving of First Baptist Church Hallsville, we believe we can reach our goal of building this God-sized project. We will not over extend ourselves and will work within our means to accomplish the goal ahead of us.

How can I help?

  • First and foremost, pray regularly for our “Greater Together” campaign
  • Participate in the campaign events and meetings
  • Make a commitment to learn as much as you can about the campaign and be able to communicate with the clarity to others the need for these future facilities
  • Give sacrificially and selflessly. This vision can only be achieved through the church’s faithfulness and generosity.